April, 2024
Undergraduate Emma Hunter presented the HERO project at the Hamilton Scholars Reception. Thank you to the Hamilton and Buford families for supporting undergraduate research.
February, 2024
Congratulations to graduate student Diane Moon who successfully matched for Internship at the VA Northern California Health Care System. She will be starting in August 2024.
January, 2024
Former undergraduate research assistant Nadia Armstrong (class of 2023) published her independent project in the SMU Journal for Undergraduate Research (see publication section). Nadia is now a research assistant at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
November, 2023
Graduate student Diane Moon presents her work at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in San Francisco. Her poster was titled "The Use of Trauma Film Paradigm and Virtual Negative Stimuli in Memory Reconsolidation Paradigms: A Systematic Review.”
November, 2023
Graduate student Julie Pham presents her work at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Her poster was titled "COVID-19 Information Eliciting Stereotype Threat Can Harm Older Adults’ Cognitive Function.
August, 2023
Graduate student Julie Pham was awarded a very competitive Dallas Area Gerontological Society Academic Scholarship for her dedication to serving the older adult population in Dallas. Congratulations!
May, 2023
Lab alumna Nadia Armstrong will join the Heckers Lab at Vanderbilt as a research coordinator.
MAy, 2023
Dr. Tricia Gower graduates from SMU with a degree in Clinical Psychology. She is finishing her internship and will begin a postdoctoral fellowship at the Baltimore VA.
APRIL, 2022
MAPL Lab undergraduate Nadia Armstrong and graduate students Julie Pham and Diane Moon present their work on COVID-19 at SMU Research and Innovation Week.
Nadia Armstrong presenting at SMU Research and Innovation Week
Julie Pham and Diane Moon presenting at SMU Research and Innovation Week
MArch, 2022
Lab member Sara McConnell was accepted to UT Dallas and will begin her PhD in Brain and Behavioral Sciences this Fall in The Schizophrenia and Social Cognition Lab.
March, 2022
Doctoral student Tricia Gower successfully defended her thesis entitled “A Longitudinal Investigation of Positive Biases and Psychological Functioning During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.” Tricia will begin her clinical internship this summer at the Baltimore VA.
August, 2021
Graduate Student Julie Pham joins the MAPL Lab. Welcome Julie!
June, 2021
Undergraduate research assistants Abigail Torbatian and Peyton Hooker join the MAPL lab through the Summer Research Intensive Program at SMU.
May, 2021
Doctoral Student Tricia Gower is awarded the 2021-22 Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship from the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies.
July, 2019
The MAPL Lab welcomes graduate student Diane Chao!
July, 2018
Dr. Bowen joins SMU as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology and Director of the MAPL Lab.